We believe everyone can benefit from doula care, quality childbirth education, access to great wellness practitioners, and loving support. That is why ALL our classes and services are available to everyone in the community, including doula support, which is available to individuals who are not on Medicaid on a sliding-scale fee. 

Please fill out this request form if you are interested in hiring an Everyday Miracles doula through our Karma Program!

Please note that each of our doulas is an independent contractor and set their own fee scales and payment plans. Therefore, there isn’t a specific price for doulas services through the Karma Program. The average cost for birth doula services in the Twin Cities is approximately $1,200. The request form below asks you to enter your budget, starting at $600.

Our Karma Doula Program connects Everyday Miracles doulas with those looking for doulas but who do not qualify for our Core Doula Program because they are not on Medicaid. (NOTE: If you have a Medicaid (state-sponsored) insurance plan, please visit our requests page for more information about our Core Doula Program).

Why work with Everyday Miracles?

  • A whole community of support: We have an extraordinary team of qualified, competent, and compassionate doulas who are part of a larger community of Twin Cities birth professionals. That means you have access to a whole network of resources to make sure you have all the support and information you need throughout your pregnancy, birth, and beyond.

  • Access to high quality, comprehensive evidence-based education: We offer a wide range of comprehensive childbirth education options, birth and baby basics workshops, prenatal yoga classes and more, and Karma Doula Clients get exclusive discounts on our offerings. These classes are taught by certified doula instructors and focus on evidence-based information to help you prepare for the happiest, healthiest birth experience possible.

  • Giving back: As a nonprofit we are committed to improving birth and reducing health disparities in our local communities, particularly for those that face increased risk for poor outcomes. By choosing to work with us you are helping provide vital services such as doula support, education, and breastfeeding supplies to families who would not otherwise have access, thus creating a more compassionate, equitable community. All our doulas have made a commitment to working with low-income families, and your support ensures we can continue to do this essential, rewarding work. We know that healthy, peaceful births make for healthier families, and healthier families make for stronger communities. As we like to say…

We can't wait to work with you!

Please note that our doulas’ availability tends to fill up a few months in advance.

Submitting a request earlier will help ensure that a variety of doulas are still available.